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Rese帽a del editor Set audacious nutritional goals with NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY, 10th Edition! The core nutrition concepts and the latest clinical approaches in this book set you up for success, no matter your role in a client's nutritional care. Organized around diet types instead of organ systems and diseases, this practical guide accelerates understanding by requiring you to apply concepts and skills as you learn them. From public policy and nutritional guidelines to weight management and diet planning, this go-to resource builds your confidence, so you're ready to help others make the best choices for their nutritional needs. Biograf铆a del autor Linda Kelly DeBruyne, M.S., R.D., received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in nutrition and food science from Florida State University. She is a founding member of Nutrition and Health Associates, an information resource center in Tallahassee, Florida, where her specialty areas are life cycle nutrition and fitness. Her other publications include the textbooks Nutrition for Health and Health Care, and Health: Making Life Choices. She is a registered dietitian nutritionist and maintains a professional membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Linda Kelly DeBruyne, M.S., R.D., received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in nutrition and food science from Florida State University. She is a founding member of Nutrition and Health Associates, an information resource center in Tallahassee, Florida, where her specialty areas are life cycle nutrition and fitness. Her other publications include the textbooks Nutrition for Health and Health Care, and Health: Making Life Choices. She is a registered dietitian nutritionist and maintains a professional membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Kathryn Pinna, Ph.D., R.D., received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in nutrition from the University of California at Berkeley. She taught nutrition, food science, and human biology courses in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 25 years and also worked as an outpatient dietitian, Internet consultant, and freelance writer. Her other publications include the textbooks Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition and Nutrition for Health and Health Care. She is a registered dietitian and a member of the American Society for Nutrition and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ellie Whitney, PhD grew up in New York City and received her B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English and biology at Radcliffe/Harvard University and Washington Universities, respectively. She has taught at both Florida State University and Florida A&M University, has written newspaper columns on environmental matters for the Tallahassee Democrat, and has authored almost a dozen college textbooks on nutrition, health, and related topics, many of which have been revised multiple times over the years. In addition to teaching and writing, she has spent the past three-plus decades exploring outdoor Florida and studying its ecology. Her latest book is Priceless Florida: The Natural Ecosystems (Pineapple Press, 2004).

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