Lee un libro Limits of Human Endurance (Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series Book 76) (English Edition) de L.J.C. van Loon,R. Meeusen Ebooks, PDF, ePub
[Download] Limits of Human Endurance (Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series Book 76) (English Edition) de L.J.C. van Loon,R. Meeusen Libros Gratis en EPUB, Limits of Human Endurance (Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series Book 76) (English Edition) Libro pdf espanol
Nutrition is one of the key factors that modulate exercise performance. In this book, a group of expert scientists discuss the ergogenic properties of various nutritional interventions and present research to show that dietary strategies can be applied to extend the limits of human endurance, lower the risk of illness or injury, and speed recovery rates. More specifically, they discuss recent findings on topics such as caffeine and its effect on the brain, carnitine and fat oxidation, ergogenic properties of beta-alanine, dietary protein and muscle reconditioning, nutrition and immune status, and the importance of proper hydration. This publication will provide the reader with many novel insights into the complex interaction between nutrition and exercise, allowing them to define more effective dietary strategies to improve health and performance. Moreover, while focusing on elite athletes, it is interesting to note that some of the discoveries can be applied beyond this niche, for example to improve performance outcomes in the elderly.
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